Follow your specified food plan with regard to sensitivities, and eat according to your Blood Type when possible. This is a general diet guide for you and family. Refer to Cornucopia and the Environmental Working Group for up-to-date ‘scorecards’ for quality selections.
Animal Proteins:
- Free-range, grass-fed is best!
- Never eat lean meats. We need the fat and fat-soluble nutrients to digest muscle proteins.
- Fish, chicken, turkey, beef, elk, veal, lamb, pork, ostrich, buffalo, venison, duck, liver and organ meats.
- Bone broth and organ meats in your diet optimize digestion of muscle meats.
- Fertile, organic eggs from free-roaming, local chickens are best.
- Cured meats, such as salami, bacon, Braunschweiger sausage, liverwurst, or jerky. Meat bars such as EPIC. Nitrates, from the curing process, are precursors to beneficial nitric oxide and may not be as negative as once feared. Pork that is not cured can be less tolerated, and adequate curing can disable parasites.
- Brown rice (but not rice cakes), hummus, beans, sweet potatoes, nuts/nut butters, whole grain hot cereals, millet (but not if hypothyroid), quinoa, sprouted or sourdough breads, corn tortillas.
- Soak grains overnight in water with lemon juice or vinegar. These acids will break down phytates, chemicals, and metals. Drain, rinse, and refrigerate until ready to cook.
- Eat a wide variety! Go easy on potatoes, tomatoes, and corn, which have been overdone in our culture. Red skinned and Yukon Gold potatoes are often tolerated better. Organic and local are best.
- Dark leafy greens: kale (never eat this raw! and don’t eat the stems), spinach, chard, beet greens (never raw), broccoli, parsley, cilantro, and dark-leaf lettuces, etc. Eat daily and buy organic. Greens are thin and absorb pesticides easily, which can’t be washed off.
- Cooking dark greens such as kale, spinach, and chard (especially with a bit of fat) releases minerals and breaks down oxalates.
- All varieties, especially low-sugar berries and melons. Buy organic grapes, raisins and berries, as these fruits absorb chemicals easily, and conventional ones are heavily sprayed.
Probiotic foods:
- For pre- and pro-biotic support, eat garlic, onions, cabbage, jerusalem artichokes, raw pickles, naturally fermented foods such as miso, kvass, Kimchi, Kombucha, yogurts, kefir, olives, salami, and raw sauerkraut.
- Extra virgin olive oil, butter, ghee, avocado mayonnaise, coconut oil, cod liver oil, grass-fed animal fats, lard, nut and seed oils (eat sparingly), palm kernel oil.
- Polyunsaturated oils (liquid at cold temperature) should never be heated, and eaten only sparingly.
- Best cooking fats are those that are more saturated and that tend to be solid at room temperature: ghee, coconut oil, lard, bacon fat, peanut oil, and palm oil. Butter burns easily, so it’s not good for higher-heat cooking.
- X-Factor butter (see classified ads on the Weston Price website for sources.)
- When buying dairy, never buy low-fat.
- Raw, organic, and local dairy products are ideal. Branded raw milk cheeses.
- Goat and sheep dairy products are “A2” and thus are more digestible; available as cheeses and yogurt. Raw goat milk may be available in your area; search for local herd shares.
- Non-dairy alternatives: whole fat coconut milk and coconut milk powders; almond, cashew, hazelnut, macadamia, and hemp.
- Unfiltered raw apple cider vinegar, good quality balsamic vinegar, unsweetened rice vinegars. Fresh lemon juice is a good stand-in for vinegar.
- Tap water should be filtered for chlorine and fluoride. Never drink distilled water exclusively. Reverse osmosis water needs minerals added.
- Mineral waters are a great way to supplement trace minerals that may be missing from our soils. If carbonated, it’s best to let them to go flat before drinking. Fiji and Volvic waters are very effective at removing aluminum from the body. Drink some daily.
- Buffer the effects of caffeine by eating some food with it.
- Conventional green and black teas are high in fluoride – choose organic instead.
- Blackstrap molasses, raw local unfiltered honey, Sucanat, 100% maple syrup, raw turbinado sugar, Stevia, date sugar, coconut sugar.
- Celtic sea salt, Redmond’s salt, Herbamare, Veg-It, Bragg’s Amino Acids, naturally processed soy sauce, herbs, Marmite, nutritional yeast powder, or Brewer’s Yeast.
- Occasionally organic dark chocolate or raw cacao – but beware of cheap brands which can contain lead, cadmium, or other contaminants.
- Maldon and Himalayan Pink salt are OK, but not first choice.
No or Rarely
Refined carbohydrates:
- Pasta, bread, bagels, pastries, pancakes, donuts, cereals, crackers, cookies, flour tortillas, white rice, etc.
- Be careful: gluten-free baked goods are often made with very refined, white-flour products (these include rice flour)
- Beware of excessive rice flour consumption. Research indicates high levels of arsenic on rice.
- Bean flours
Pasteurized dairy products:
- Milk, cream, half & half, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, whey protein.
Refined sugars:
- Brown or white sugar, fructose, high-fructose corn syrup, agave syrup, and artificial sweeteners (e.g. Splenda, Aspartame, Equal, Sweet-n-Low, Sucralose, acesulfame potassium)
Soy products:
- Soybean oil, tofu, isoflavones, commercial soy sauce, soy protein, soy milk (miso OK)
Manufactured fats:
- Hydrogenated oils, margarine, Crisco, canola oil, butter substitutes (e.g. Smart Balance)
- Protein powders
- Commercial oat milk and rice milk. If you make your own, prep the grains properly. Rice milk does not have much nutrition!
- Wine vinegar or white vinegars
- Irradiated foods
- Microwaved food
- “Vitamin-enriched foods” – these are fractionated, synthetic, and unbalanced vitamins, toxic to liver and kidneys
- Excessive consumption of carbonated waters such as La Croix. Actual mineral water, such as Pellegrino, is a better choice. The acidic nature of these drinks can erode tooth enamel, and negatively affects the pH in your gut. Never drink from aluminum cans.
- Alfalfa sprouts, which are high in aflatoxins. Other sprouts are good (radish, mung bean, sunflower, etc.)